This blog post will teach you how to Execute commands with find on files and directories in Linux. You will learn how to use the -exec option to specify the command to execute, and how to use various search criteria to select the files and directories to operate on
- Commands can be executed on found files
- command must be preceded with -exec or -ok
- -ok prompts before acting on each file
- Command must end with Space\;
- Can use {} as a filename placeholder
find -size +100M -ok mv {} /tmp/largefiles/ \;
- command must be preceded with -exec or -ok
Using the -exec or -ok options with find will cause find to execute a command once for each file that matches the given criteria. This is commonly used for things like removing files or renaming files to have a certain extension. Be extremely careful when using -exec because it may perform the action on many files (remember that find recourses through subdirectories) and it does not ask for confirmation. Remember that running the search without -exec will list all matches, thus allowing you to preview which files will be acted upon. Alternately you can use the -ok option, which causes find to ask for each file.
The reason that the commands given with -exec and -ok must end in a \; is because find uses ; as the delimiting character. Unfortunately ; is also a delimiting character for the shell so we must prevent bash from interpreting it. When a character is prepended with a backslash (\), bash is instructed to treat it literally, so typing \; at the bash command prompt will send ; to find after bash has done its interpretation.
Find Execution Examples: –
- Back up configuration files, adding a
extension$ find -name '*.conf' -exec cp {} {}.orig \;
- Prompt to remove joe’s tmp files that are over 3 days old
$ find /tmp -ctime +3 -user joe -ok rm {} \;
- Fix other-writable files in your home directory
$ find ~ -perm -002 -exec chmod o-w {} \;
- Do an ls -l style listing of all directories in /home/
$ find /home -type d -ls - Find files that end in .sh but are not executable by anyone. For each file, ask to make it executable by everyone
$ find -not -perm +111 -name ‘*.sh’ -ok chmod 755 {} \;
You can use find to execute any command you would like, and if you use the {} as filename place holders, the find command will put the file name of a file it has found in place of {} and execute the command.