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How to change file and directory permissions in Linux-Numeric Method

October 16, 2022
Changing Permissions

Learn how to change file and directory permissions in Linux using numeric method. This method is more precise and easier to remember than the symbolic method.

Changing Permissions – Numeric Method

  • Uses a three-digit mode number
    • first digit specifies owner’s permissions
    • second digit specifies group permissions
    • third digit represents others’ permissions
  • Permissions are calculated by adding:
    • 4 (for read)
    • 2 (for write)
    • 1 (for execute)
  • Example:
    • chmod 640 myfile

Numerical Mode Setting

To change all the permissions on a file at once, it is often easier and quicker to use the numeric method.

In this method, the first argument to the chmod command is a three-digit number representing the permissions that are set. In this method, the read permission has a value of four, the write permission has a value of two, and the execute permission has a value of one. Add together the permissions you wish to set for user, group, and others. Examples:

chmod 664 file: grants read/write to the owner and group, read-only to others.
chmod 660 file: grants read/write to the owner and group: no permissions for others
chmod 600 file: grants read/write to the owner; no permissions set for the group and others
chmod 444 file: grants read-only to all.

With directory permissions, when you set the read permission, you almost always want to set execute permission. Examples:

chmod 755 dir: grants full permissions to the owner, read and execute to group and other.
chmod 770 dir: grants full permissions to the owner and group, no permissions to others
chmod 700 dir: grants full permissions to the owner, no permissions to the group or others
chmod 555 dir: grants read and execute permission set to all.