How to Fix: The DB Identifiers of Data and Log Are Not Equal

Learn effective solutions for resolving the common database error where the DB identifiers of data and log files are mismatched.

Symptom: –

You are performing DB backup and LOG Backup restore on new machine for MAXDB DATABASE but during log backup restore you encountered with below error that ‘The DB Identifiers of data and log are not equal’.

-24988,ERR_SQL: SQL error
-104,DBM command impossible at this time
20018,DBIdentifier of DataVolume (CONTSRV:SDB_20230901_121304) and LogArea (drcs:SDB_20240328_234540) does not match
Log- and data area are not compatible because ‘The DB Identifiers of data and logbackup are not equal’.
k38headmaster, Error code 3800 “incompatible_log”
RestoreLog, Error code 3800 “incompatible_log”

Solution: – Execute the following command.

cd /sapdb/programs/bin/

dbmcli on drcs>db_admin



dbmcli on drcs>util_execute clear log


Now you can recover log backup: –

cd /sapdb/programs/bin/

dbmcli on drcs>db_admin



dbmcli on drcs>util_execute clear log



dbmcli on drcs>db_connect


>recover_start LOG LOG 7243
Returncode              -8020
Date                    20240401
Time                    00142019
Server                  CONTSRV
Database                SDB
Kernel Version          Kernel    7.9.10   Build 004-123-265-969
Pages Transferred       24
Pages Left              0
Volumes                 1
Medianame               LOG
Location                /swdump/log_bkp/LOG001.7243
Label                   LOG_000007243
Is Consistent
First LOG Page          62516365
Last LOG Page           62516365
DB Stamp 1 Date         20240328
DB Stamp 1 Time         00025225
DB Stamp 2 Date         20240328
DB Stamp 2 Time         00025225
Page Count              1
Devices Used            1
Database ID             CONTSRV:SDB_20230901_121304
Max Used Data Page
Converter Page Count

>recover_replace LOG /swdump/log_bkp/LOG001.7244
Returncode              -8020
Date                    20240401
Time                    00142019
Server                  CONTSRV
Database                SDB
Kernel Version          Kernel    7.9.10   Build 004-123-265-969
Pages Transferred       24
Pages Left              0
Volumes                 1
Medianame               LOG
Location                /swdump/log_bkp/LOG001.7244
Label                   LOG_000007244
Is Consistent
First LOG Page          62516366
Last LOG Page           62516366
DB Stamp 1 Date         20240328
DB Stamp 1 Time         00035226
DB Stamp 2 Date         20240328
DB Stamp 2 Time         00035226
Page Count              1
Devices Used            1
Database ID             CONTSRV:SDB_20230901_121304
Max Used Data Page
Converter Page Count

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