How to Install SNC SAPRouter as NT Service

Learn how to install the SNC SAPRouter as an NT service with our comprehensive step-by-step guide. Simplify your SAP system administration and enhance security


Setting up the SNC SAProuter as a Windows NT service.

Reason and Prerequisites

Minimum: Saprouter version 31


If the Saprouter has already been entered as a service with srvany.exe, the definition of the service from the registry (path: HKLM -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> SAPRouter) should first be removed and then the machine should be rebooted.

With the following command you can newly define the service from the command line:

sc.exe create SAPRouter binPath= "<path>\saprouter.exe service -r -W 60000 -R <path>\saprouttab -K ^p:<your_distinguished_name>^" start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"
  • Replace <path> with the corresponding path to saprouter.exe and <your_distinguished_name> with the “Distinguished Name” registered for your installation from the Trust Center Service – Download Area. It is important that all parameters be in a character string delimited by “.
  • As of version 25 (3.0E) a route permission table file (SAPROUTTAB) must be specified for the Saprouter (see also Note 30289 or goto the following link at
  • Edit the string in the registry under MyComputer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ saprouter

    and change ^ to ” under ImagePath.
D:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouter.exe service -r -W 60000 -R D:\usr\sap\saprouter\saprouttab -K "p:CN=aiplcom, OU=0001334760, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
  • Additionally you’ll have to do the following steps to make SAPCRYPTOLIB credentials available to a process that runs as an NT service

    Run the command:
    sapgenpse seclogin -p <path>\<psefile> -O <SNC_admin>

    The account of the service user should always be entered in full <domainname>\<username>
  • Check if the certificate has been imported correctly

    Run the command:
    sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer

    The name of the Issuer should be:
    CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE
  • Check if the environment variables SNC_LIB and SECUDIR has been set under the user account SAProuter is running under

    Run the command:
  • Check if your Distinguished Name and the validity date is correct

    Run the command:
sapgenpse get_my_name

Proceed as follows after the installation to maintain the general attributes of the service:

  • Go to ‘Control Panel -> Services: SAPRouter -> Button: Startup’, set the startup type to ‘Automatic’ and enter the user <SNC_admin>. The SAPRouter should NOT run under the system account.
  • To avoid the error message ‘The description for Event ID (0) …’ in the NT Eventviewer you must make the following entries in the Registry. Under:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> Eventlog -> Application
    enter the following key:      SAPRouter
    Under this, define the two following values:

        EventMessageFile   (REG_SZ)    : <local_path>\sapevents.dll
        TypesSupported    (REG_DWORD) :  0x7

    All required files (saprouter.exe, sapevents.dll) can be found in your usr\sap\<SID>\sys\exe\run directory. As an attachment to this note, you can find the corresponding DLL in file

    Important: These adjustments are not obligatory for running SAProuter on Windows. They serve only to provide detailed error messages in the event log.

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