How to fix Message no. SALV_BOQT007 Crystal Report Cannot be displayed

Error: Crystal reports cannot be displayed SALV_BOQT007 in SAPGUI using Crystal Reports Add-On in SAP Business Suite Apps


  • When viewing ALV grid data in the Crystal Reports Viewer Addon for SAP Business Suite Apps, you receive the following error message: “Crystal reports cannot be displayed. Message no. SALV_BOQT007 Error code: CR6”


  • Crystal Reports ALV (Advanced List Viewer) integration in SAP Business Suite Apps

Reproducing the Issue

  • You have installed Crystal Reports ALV add-on..
  • Embed Crystal Report within the ALV in SAP Business Suite Apps
  • Open the Crystal Report


  • Crystal Reports Viewer on SAPGUI uses a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to receive and display data from the ABAP server.
  • JVM memory on the client PC where the Crystal Reports Viewer runs is limited or not configured properly.


On Windows PCs with the Crystal Reports Add-On for SAP Business Suite Apps installed, increase the Java Virtual Machine memory

To increase the JVM memory on the client PC:

  1. Open the Java 32-bit settings in the control panel of the Windows PC where SAPGUI is installed.
  2. Click the JAVA tab and then click the View button in the View and manage Java Runtime versions and settings for Java Application section.
  3. Enter –Xms512m into the Runtime Parameters column at “User” tab

4. Restart SAPGUI

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