How to Start and Stop the SAP HANA System

After the installation has finished successfully, the SAP HANA system is up and running. So, you do not need to start the SAP HANA system.


However, if required, you can start and stop the SAP HANA system from the command line in one of the following ways:


  • By using the sapcontrol program:
    1. Log on to the SAP HANA system host as a user with root authorization.
    2. Execute one of the following commands:
      • Start the SAP HANA system by entering the following command:
        /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr -function Start
      • Stop the SAP HANA system by entering the following command:
        /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr -function Stop
  • By using the HDB program:
    • Log on to the SAP HANA system host as user adm.
    • Execute one of the following commands:
      • Start the SAP HANA system by entering the following command
        /usr/sap//HDB/HDB start
      • Example:
        /usr/sap/KB1/HDB26/HDB start
      • Stop the SAP HANA system by entering the following command:
        /usr/sap//HDB/HDB stop
      • Example:
        /usr/sap/KB1/HDB26/HDB stop

Display the Process List

It is possible to display the SAP HANA system processes from the command line.


You are logged on with the required root user or system administrator user adm credentials.


Display the SAP HANA system processes by running the following from the command line:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr -function GetProcessList

You can also display the SAP HANA system processes using the SAP Microsoft Management Console (SAP
MMC) from a Microsoft Windows PC.


Example: Displaying the Process List

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList
09.07.2015 14:09:20
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:00, 72:31:20, 1195
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:03, 72:31:17, 
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:18, 
72:31:02, 1279
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:26, 72:30:54, 
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:26, 72:30:54, 1320
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:38:18, 
72:31:02, 1282
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2015 07 06 13:39:10, 
72:30:10, 1540

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