This blog post provides step-by-step instructions on how to reset the password for the webdispatcher webadm user of the SAP webdispatcher web Administration Interface.
Can not logon to web administration interface of webdispatcher because the password of administrator is missing.
SAP Webdispatcher 7.**
SAP Netweaver 7.* (On all the sap webdispatcher which has executable wdispmon )
The password resetting can be done by the web dispatcher tool wdispmon.
You can follow below steps to use wdispmon to do it.
1) Stop the SAP Web Dispatcher.
2) Go to the webdispatcher executable folder.
For example, /usr/sap/<WDP SID>/<WDP instance name>/exe
There you can find the wdispmon executable.

3) Run “wdispmon -a pf=<x:\path to webdispatcher profile\instance_profile>”.
4) Type in your authentication file name, the default name of authentication file is “icmauth.txt”.
Example:- List users of set


5) Type “c” and hit “enter”. as shown in above image.
6) Input the username whose password need to be reset. For exmaple, webadm.
7) Input new password, then Re-enter password for confirm.
8) Hit ‘enter’.
9) Type “s” to save the change.
10) Hit “enter”.
11) Type “q” to quit.
Example :-

Hit “enter”.
Type “s” to save the change.

12) Restart sapwebdispatcher, then the new password is taken into account .
If this is a standard installed webdispatcher (which has the sapstartsrv service), please firstly restart the sapstartsrv service for the webdispatcher.
By default, administrator account be named as “icmadm” and it belongs to the group “admin”. If you want to create a new admin user, please always set it as group Admin.